Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Hot in Lahaina

My morning began at 5am because my body felt like we should watch the sunrise on our first full day on the island. I only wish that I had known how to use the coffee maker so I could enjoy the view from the lanai with a cup of joe. 

When others started rousing, we all enjoy some warm brewed Vanilla Macadamia Nut coffee with muffins or eggs, depending on your fancy. Our leisurely morning included a stroll to the neighboring resort to get prescription snorkel gear rented for the week. Did you know they make that stuff? It sure comes in handy for the people who don’t use contacts. Todd was all set up and Papa and I enjoyed a leisurely stroll around the complex for a quick half mile walk in the hot Hawaiian sun. 

A few of us decided to try our hands at ocean snorkeling  and it was the first time snorkeling in the ocean for Macey. It was a fun experience to share and it undoubtedly was something that we do a lot of while we’re here.

Our excursion today was the old town of Lahaina which was settled by the Polynesians between 300 and 700 AD. It’s a cute small town with lots of shops and restaurants. Pretty much all of the makings of a tourist town. We partook in the buying and grabbed a few souvenirs for the few who didn’t join us on this trip, and then we weaseled our way into the Cheeseburger in Paradise for a party of 13. Well, a kid table and an adult table. The food was delicious as always, and the half portions from our shared meals were still plentiful and filling. 

A few drinks were had around the table, but the ambiance was of course the main selling feature of this joint. The location simple can’t be beat. 

With full bellies we strode along the waterfront with the goal of reaching the The Banyan Tree. This tree is unbelievable in size and grows in such a way that it drops down these branches that then grow into other trunks to provide more strength and stability to the tree. It’s a sight to see for sure. 

The Hawaiian heat was getting to many of us and our wallets were also needing a break from the constant shopping so we began our trek back to the parking lot…but along the way we saw a street performer with many different tropical birds available for photo opps. We jumped at the chance to have birds perched on our children and we waited patiently while the birds were “misted” to cool them down (see, even the birds thought it was hot today). And here are the obligatory photos. 

After hitting some traffic on the way home, we crashed for a few hours before dinner. The McAdams made an amazing smoked pulled pork with salad and watermelon and despite our tummies being nearly full from lunch, we piled on plates and enjoyed the feast - some even getting seconds. 

An evening game of Spikeball ensued and one broken vase later (we’ll get a replacement at Walmart later this week…) we were comfortably discussing astrological signs and the length of the day here on the island. Did you know that Maui actually gets one less hour of daytime at this time of year compared to where we live? Their summer sun is settling at 7:06pm whereas it’s 8:17pm back in Sacramento. Very interesting!

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